I'm importing a XML node to the variable XmlInstallNode and then dynamically building the function I want to call.
Everything works great if I call the function directly by its name, but If called it in the invoke command using the $functionName, then the parameter -App - is converted to string when it is supposed to be a System.Xml.XmlLinkedNode. I have already tried to cast it and use different approaches with the Invoke-Expressions and Invoke-Command without success...
I get this error, which kinda makes sense: Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'App'. Cannot convert the "$app" value of type "System.String" to type "System.Xml.XmlElement"
function global:XtrInstall{
XtrLog -Level INFO -FunctionName $MyInvocation.MyCommand -Msg "Installing Apps..."
XtrLog -Level DEBUG -FunctionName $MyInvocation.MyCommand -Msg "Getting available Apps from config file."
foreach($app in $XmlInstallNode.apps.app)
$functionName = "$("XtrInstall-")$($app.Name)"
XtrLog -Level DEBUG -FunctionName $MyInvocation.MyCommand -Msg "$("Building function name: ")$($functionName)"
if (Get-Command $functionName -errorAction SilentlyContinue)
XtrLog -Level DEBUG -FunctionName $MyInvocation.MyCommand -Msg "$("Invoking App Install function ")$($functionName)"
$command = "$($functionName)$(" -App")"
$error = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression -Command $command} -ArgumentList $app
XtrLog -Level FATAL -FunctionName $MyInvocation.MyCommand -Msg "$("App Install Function " )$($functionName)$(" not found. See App name (e.g.'XtrInstall-Aplication')")"
return $true
XtrLog -Level WARN -FunctionName $MyInvocation.MyCommand -Msg "No Apps detected in Config file."
XtrLog -Level FATAL -FunctionName $MyInvocation.MyCommand -Msg $_.Exception.Message
return $error
The function I'm calling is:
function global:XtrInstall-Filesite()
How can I pass the parameter as it is ?
There is no need for building a (partial) command in a string and using Invoke-Expression
, or even Invoke-Command
Try the following instead:
$error = & $functionName -App $app
, PowerShell's call operator, can be used to invoke any command whose name is stored in a variable.
& 'c:\path\to\some folder\some.exe'