I have the following logic in my meteor app:
Template.configs.events = {
'click li': function(e, template) {
Meteor.call('getMaster', uri, function(err, response) {
// Template.set(response)
After a user clicks on a list, a json object is returned via Ajax. How would I dynamically inject this object into the template? Is there a design pattern?
Thank you in advance.
you might handle such return data through the template's reactive variables. using your code, i wrote up a "full" example showing the initialization, setting, and getting of such vars:
Template.configs.onCreated(function () {
this.foo = new ReactiveVar();
this.bar = new ReactiveVar();
foo() {
return Template.instance().foo.get();
bar() {
return Template.instance().bar.get();
'click li': function(e, template) {
Meteor.call('getMaster', uri, function(err, response) {
let foo = response.foo;
let bar = response.bar;