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Appcelerator Geolocation never returns a speed on iOS

I'm using Appcelerator to provide a geo track. This works very well on Android, but on the iOS platform I am not getting speed or heading information from the onLocation event.

I initialise my GPS:

permissions.requestLocationPermissions(Ti.Geolocation.AUTHORIZATION_ALWAYS, function (e) {
    if (e.success && !configuredMonitoring) {
        if (OS_IOS) {
            Ti.Geolocation.accuracy = Ti.Geolocation.ACCURACY_BEST;
            Ti.Geolocation.distanceFilter = 5;
            Ti.Geolocation.preferredProvider = Ti.Geolocation.PROVIDER_GPS;
            Ti.Geolocation.pauseLocationUpdateAutomatically = true;
            Ti.Geolocation.activityType = Ti.Geolocation.ACTIVITYTYPE_OTHER_NAVIGATION;

        if (OS_ANDROID) {
                name: Ti.Geolocation.PROVIDER_GPS,
                minUpdateDistance: 10,
                minUpdateTime: 1
                provider: Ti.Geolocation.PROVIDER_GPS,
                accuracy: 10,
                maxAge: 5000,
                minAge: 1000
                name: Ti.Geolocation.PROVIDER_NETWORK,
                minUpdateDistance: 10,
                minUpdateTime: 1
                provider: Ti.Geolocation.PROVIDER_NETWORK,
                accuracy: 10,
                maxAge: 5000,
                minAge: 1000
            Ti.Geolocation.Android.manualMode = true;

Then I add eventlisteners for iOS location updates being paused

if (Ti.Geolocation.locationServicesEnabled){
  Ti.Geolocation.addEventListener('location', onLocation);
  if (OS_IOS) {
    Ti.Geolocation.addEventListener('locationupdatepaused', onLocationupdate);
    Ti.Geolocation.addEventListener('locationupdateresumed', onLocationupdate);

My onLocation function runs function onLocation(e) {

    if (!e.error) {
        var coords = e.coords;
    } else {

in my return data I see


I never see anything other than -1 in my speed or heading, which according to the documentation: "On iOS, a negative value indicates that the heading data is not valid."

What am I doing wrong here?


  • We had this same issue and were pulling our hair out trying to figure it out. Try changing Ti.Geolocation.ACCURACY_BEST to Ti.Geolocation.ACCURACY_BEST_FOR_NAVIGATION. This fixed it for us.