I wish to use StyleCop to frame my custom rule set. I downloaded a latest version of SytleCop and I followed the implementation procedure from one of the Blog.
I Implemented as identical to the above said Blog.
Project -> Right Click -> StyleCop Settings
It opens the StyleCop Setting Dialogue Window using StyleCop 5.0 (build 5.0.6187.1)
In the above window I can't able to see my Custom Rule. I opened the file explorer and navigate to the respective project's file path, there I noticed Settings.StyleCop
I tried to open the Settings.StyleCop
by double click, it's opened the Settings file using StyleCop 4.7 (
Kindly assist me how to Create a Custom Rule and how to apply the rule in my code ?
Un-Install any extension you installed via Tools -> Extensions and Updates -> StyleCop
Moreover Re-Install the StyleCop (i.e., Un-Install and again Install) because some of the dll won't be remove of the above said Extensions file.