I would like to add the count result of a 2nd query to the result set which queries the 1st table and connect this subquery with the ID of the 1st Table result. This simplified code explains it:
(Select Count(x)
From Table2
Where ID_Field_Table2 = ID_Field_Table1) As mycount
From Table1
What is the correct syntax? Thanks
This code is simplified but the construction is the same. In my DB the ID_Field_Table2 and ID_Field_Table1 have the same name (let's say ID_Field). If I use this same Name, the SubQuery goes like "...Where ID_Field = ID_Field.." and this always Returns a Reslut, because it is not connecting the queries ("Select a Where x = x" returns any record in the table 2).
ID_Field AS ID1,
(Select Count(x)
From Table2
Where ID_Field = ID1) As mycount
From Table1
It just returns an error, saying that ID1 does not exist.
When I use the original name of the columns (which are the same), the result is wrong
When I us an alias, an error occurs
So I think the query is wrong at all.
Well, you can't use an alias defined in the select clause, but you can use the aliases defined in the from clause:
ID_Field AS ID1,
(Select Count(x)
From Table2
Where ID_Field = t1.ID_Field) As mycount
From Table1 t1
You can also do it without an alias, since the sub query is for a different table:
ID_Field AS ID1,
(Select Count(x)
From Table2
Where ID_Field = Table1.ID_Field) As mycount
From Table1
However, I suspect a query using left join to a derived table as suggested in esta's answer would have better performance.