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Https Proxy for Realm Object Server not working

I can't seem to get the https proxy for my Realm Object Server running. I've followed every step in the docs, which include editing the configuration.yml file to change:

proxy.https.enable: true  
proxy.https.listen_address: ::  
proxy.https.listen_port: 9443  
proxy.https.certificate_path: 'cert_path'
proxy.https.private_key_path: 'private_key_path'

When I visit it's fine, but visiting doesn't work - I've verified the paths are correct, and the cert/private key combination is valid.

Any help configuring this would be much appreciated, as I'm trying to get the app in conformance with Apple's ATS requirements!


  • The Realm Object Server is started by the "realm" user, you should check that the user has permissions to access the certificates.

    Here is a list of instructions for setting up https with letsencrypt! on Ubuntu 16.04, maybe it helps identify your issue:

    1. Install ROS, letsencrypt and generate certs

    curl -s | sudo bash

    apt-get install realm-object-server-developer
    apt-get install letsencrypt
    letsencrypt certonly --standalone -d ${}
    # set up permissions for the realm user on /etc/letsencrypt.
    sudo groupadd ssl
    sudo usermod -a -G ssl realm
    sudo chgrp -R ssl /etc/letsencrypt
    sudo chmod -R g=rX /etc/letsencrypt
    1. Edit the config to enable ssl in the "proxy" section

    Section in /etc/realm/configuration.yml:

        ## Whether or not to enable the HTTPS proxy module. It enables multiplexing requests
        ## by forwarding incoming requests on a single port to all services.
        ## Note that even if it enabled, the HTTPS proxy will only start if supplied
        ## with a valid pair of certificates through certificate_path and private_key_path below.
        enable: true
        ## The path to the certificate and private keys (in PEM format) that will be used
        ## to set up the HTTPS server accepting connections.
        ## These configuration options are MANDATORY to start the HTTPS proxy module.
        certificate_path: '/etc/letsencrypt/live/${}/cert.pem'
        private_key_path: '/etc/letsencrypt/live/${}/privkey.pem'
        ## The address/interface on which the HTTPS proxy module should listen. This defaults
        ## to If you wish to listen on all available interfaces,
        ## uncomment the following line.
        listen_address: '::'
        ## The port that the HTTPS proxy module should bind to.
        # listen_port: 9443
    1. Connect to the dashboard and create an account. ( Go to https://${}:9443 )

    2. Go to the browser and choose "Connect to Object Server" Enter realms://${}:9443 as Server Url and the username and password you just created. You should see a list of realms.