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Returning Tkinter Treeview iid

I have a treeview and have inserted some data into it as shown below.

self.tree.insert('', 'end', iid="test1", text="test a", values=("data1", "data2"))

This adds an entry to the end of the treeview with text "test a" and column values of "data1" and "data2".

The iid has been set to "test1".

I would like to return the value of iid of an item in the treeview so that I can use it for some other function (I will be storing a file path in this iid)

I tried using treeview.item() and this returned the following dictionary without the iid:

{'version': 'data1', 'author': 'data2'}

(where version and author are the column headings)

So my question: is there a simple way to return the iid of a given row/entry to the treeview?


  • To get the iid you can use the identify() function:

    tree.identify(event.x, event.y) # item at row "x" and column "y"

    The iid argument stands for item identifier which is unique for each item, and you can give it the value you want.