Is there a convenient was to check if a report with the given report name exists using JavaScript?
Following this official guide on how to display a report I managed to display a report with the name given in the URL. If the given report name does not match a report I get a error:
Could not open successfully the report 'fake-name' (The report '/shared/fake-name.icc-report (null)' does not exists.)
So I want to redirect the user if the report does not exists and for that I need something like a function that gives me true or false based on the report name.
Is there any way this can be done?
Thanks. :)
I suggest using these options to have access to openReport callback:
var options = {
root: ic3root,
rootLocal: ic3rootLocal,
imagesPath: 'images',
callback: function () {
var ic3reporting = new ic3.Reporting(
noticesLevel: ic3.NoticeLevel.ERROR,
dsSettings: {
url: "http://<your_domain>/icCube/gvi"
ic3reporting.setupGVIConfiguration(function () {
mode: ic3.MainReportMode.REPORTING,
hideTopPanel: true,
noticesLevel: ic3.NoticeLevel.ERROR,
container: $("#container")
report: {
name: 'shared/report23'
}, function (reportState) {
var reportExists = _.isEmpty(ic3reporting.reportName());
You may want to redirect user in case "reportExists" equals to false