I find Eloquent's joining logic far more complicated than a typical prepared statement (read I hate it).
Can someone please help me translate the following query into a sensible eloquent query that is wholly eagerly-loaded?
FROM store_variants AS A
LEFT JOIN variants AS B ON B.id = A.id_variant
LEFT JOIN products AS C ON C.id = B.id_product
LEFT JOIN stores AS D ON D.id = A.id_store
WHERE D.id = 123
AND A.isActive > 0
one product - many variants
one variant - many stores
one store_variant - one store
The models are storeVariantModel, variantModel, productModel, storeModel. There are millions of rows.
The way I see it, this query contains filtered selection, joins, grouping and constraints, so it covers the majority of operations I encounter daily, so if anyone can solve this you have my sincere gratitude.
Thank you
EDIT: Using Laravel 5.2
EDIT: Solution #2:
Thanks to @Balraj for his help, this is basically the final solution I have been forced to use:
join( 'variants', 'variants.id_variant', '=', 'store_variants.id')
->join( 'products', 'products.id', '=', 'variants.id_product')
->join( 'stores', 'stores.id', '=', 'store_variants.id_store')
Modifications: I am no longer using the 'GROUP BY'
Pros: I get models with relationships back, constraints on intermediate tables filter data as opposed to only eager-loading whatever data matches the constraints
Cons: Syntax is balls, I'm basically calling join twice, I am no longer doing a select for a limited set of columns
Try this one,
Update Answer
Eloquent without groupby:
In productModel:
public function variants(){
return $this->hasMany(variantModel::class,'id_product','id');
In variantModel:
public function store_variants(){
return $this->hasMany(storeVariantModel::class,'id_variant','id);
In storeVariantModel:
public function stores(){
return $this->hasOne(storeModel::class,'id','id_store');
productModel::with(['variants.store_variants.stores' => function($q){
}])->whereHas('variants.store_variants', function($q){