Hi everyone i really need help with my final coding for my Generator.
There need to be some reverse way of doing this :
8 length generated code
0000 0000 = Code Number 0 0000 0001 = Code Number 1 0000 0158 = Code Number (1 * 10^2) + (5 * 10^1) + (8 * 10^0) = 158 For Alphabets (A=0, B=1, C= 2, ... Z = 25, a = 26, ..., z = 51, 0 = 52, 1 = 53, 9 = 61: AAAA ABCD = Code Number (0 * 62^7) + (0 * 62^6) + (0 * 62^5) + (0 + 62^4) + (0 * 62^3) + (1 * 62^2) + (2 * 62^1) + (3 * 62^0) = 14780307
This is the current way :
generate key -> count the possicion of the key
Solution wanted :
input ID -> generate key without too much cycling by PHP "for" cycle
At the moment if i input ID 5,000,000 with proper setting the script hang up or the page will become unavailable.
I haven't found any simple solution of how to reverse it,
but i believe there must be somethnig to solve this issue.
So if anyone know a solution please feel free to develop and commit.
I've found similar solution here at github and after understanding the code i have created
working PHP example :
// Digital number -->> AlphaNum code $code_id = 1; $code_length = 8; $characters_range = array_merge(range('A','Z'), range(0,9)); $characters_count = count($characters_range); $code_max_id = bcpow($characters_count, $code_length); echo $code_max_id; echo "\n"; for($length=($code_length-1);$length>=0;$length--){ $possition = floor($code_id / bcpow($characters_count, $length)); $code_id = $code_id - ($possition * bcpow($characters_count, $length)); $character_keys[] = $characters_range[$possition]; } //Choose which one to use //echo implode($character_keys); print_r($character_keys);
Here is a Czech website with the same thread.
So now i can finalise my CANG("Complex Alpha-Numeric Generator") without any trouble.