I've written the following code for HeapSort, which is working fine:
class Heap(object):
def __init__(self, a):
self.a = a
def heapify(self, pos):
left = 2*pos + 1
right = 2*pos + 2
maximum = pos
if left < len(self.a) and self.a[left] > self.a[maximum]:
maximum = left
if right < len(self.a) and self.a[right] > self.a[maximum]:
maximum = right
if maximum != pos:
self.a[pos], self.a[maximum] = self.a[maximum], self.a[pos]
def buildHeap(self):
for i in range(len(self.a)/2, -1, -1):
def heapSort(self):
elements = len(self.a)
for i in range(elements):
print self.a[0]
self.a[0] = self.a[-1]
self.a = self.a[:-1]
def printHeap(self):
print self.a
if __name__ == '__main__':
h = Heap(range(10))
However, it seems that the function heapSort
here will take time O(n^2)
, due to list slicing. (For a list of size 'n', slicing it to 'n-1' will take O(n-1) time).
Can anyone confirm if my thinking is correct over here ?
If yes, what should be the minimal change in heapSort
function to make it run in O(nlogn)
Yes, I believe you are correct. To make it faster, replace things like this:
self.a = self.a[:-1]
The pop()
member function of lists removes and returns the last element in the list, with constant time complexity.
s are stored as contiguous memory, meaning all the elements of a list
are stored one after the other. This is why inserting an element in the middle of a list
is so expensive: Python has to shift all the elements after the place you're inserting in down by one, to make space for the new element. However, to simply delete the element at the end of list
takes negligible time, as Python merely has to erase that element.