I am currently using a vector to hold the people in a program. I am trying to delete it with
I pass the vector in a function, as well as the element that I want to delete. My main problem is how can I improve my code in terms of compilation speed?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class person {
string name;
person() {}
person(string n):name(n){}
const string GetName() {return name;}
void SetName(string a) { name = a; }
void DeleteFromVector(vector<person>& listOfPeople,person target) {
for (vector<person>::iterator it = listOfPeople.begin();it != listOfPeople.end();++it) {//Error 2-4
if (it->GetName() == target.GetName()) {
int main(){
//first group of people
person player("Player"), assistant("Assistant"), janitor("Janitor"), old_professor("Old Professor");
//init of vector
vector<person> listOfPeople = { player, assistant, janitor, old_professor };
DeleteFromVector(listOfPeople, janitor);
There is no need to define index
, iterator can be used to access objects in vector:
for (vector<person>::iterator it = listOfPeople.begin(); it != listOfPeople.end(); ++it) {//Error 2-4
if (it->GetName() == target.GetName()) {
Since next line is to break for loop, we don't consider invalid iterator problem here.