I have a file called xxxxxxx_12345.pdf and I try to delete the suffix and the result would be xxxxxxx.pdf. I tried following:
forfiles /S /M *_12545.pdf /C "cmd /c rename @file @fname*.pdf"
but it could not change the file name. Can somone help to solve this issue? thanks
I'm sure there is a way to do the job with forfiles
command, however, it would be much easier to use regular for
loop for this.
@echo off
pushd %~dp0
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for %%f in (*_12545.pdf) do (
set "CurrentFileName=%%~nf"
set "RenameTo=!CurrentFileName:~0,-6!"
echo.ren !CurrentFileName!%%~xf !RenameTo!%%~xf
By setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
, user can use delayed environment variables, which will enable user to use something like !variable!
instead of %variable%
set "CurrentFileName=%%~nf"
will give you the name of the file without extension, so in this case, CurrentFileName
will be FileName_12545
. Type for /?
to see the full explanation of the syntax.
set "RenameTo=!CurrentFileName:~0,-6!"
Notice that I used !variable:~0,-6!
to remove suffix. This is String Manipulation. The user is storing a string without suffix that has a length of 6 (which is _12545 in this case).
echo.ren !CurrentFileName!%%~xf !RenameTo!%%~xf
I placed echo
in front of ren
so you can check before you actually rename it. %%~xf
will return the file extension including .(dot) in front of it. In this case, the file extension is .pdf.
I hope this help a bit.