I am working a on problem in my project. I have a DB with column where I have stored types like "15 mins break" or "30 min free time" I want to make another column with category. My categories are stored in dictionary:
{ "short":["10","5","15","10min","5min","15min","shorter"],
Any idea how can I assign category to types using python ? I mean just that part to find similarity with word in dictionary ? my code so far
...calling sql select
for i, index in rows():
type = index[0]
if (any of words from dictionary) is in type:
category = (name of category, for example "short")
update in sql
You want to find out if any of the category markers are in the break description. Suppose s1
and s2
are you sample descriptions, and d
is your dictionary:
s1 = "15 mins break"
s2 = "30 min free time"
s3 = "something5something"
Then the following expression evaluates to their category (the purpose of re.findall()
is to tokenize the text; replace the regular expression with whatever is suitable for your project.)
[cat for cat in d if any(marker in re.findall(r'[a-z0-9]+',s1) for marker in d[cat])]
[cat for cat in d if any(marker in re.findall(r'[a-z0-9]+',s2) for marker in d[cat])]
[cat for cat in d if any(marker in re.findall(r'[a-z0-9]+',s3) for marker in d[cat])]
This assumes that all strings are in the lower case.