I'm having a helper for displaying the tags of a post
# Show action
%p Tags #{ link_tags @post }
# Helper
def link_tags post
raw post.tag_list.map{ |t|
link_to t, posts_path(tag: t.name)
}.join(', ')
However I'm getting an error on screen
undefined method `name' for "ruby":String
How can I fix this? As a side note the code on my sidebar (where I list all post-tags) where I tried to copy from works fine
- tag_cloud Post.tag_counts, %w(tag) do |tag, css_class|
= link_to tag.name, posts_path(tag: tag.name), :class => css_class
will give you an array of tags as strings.
What you are looking for is probably post.tags
which should return an array of ActsAsTaggableOn
Here you have tutorial about tags on posts