Tech: Visual Studio 2010, Visual Studio Visualization & Modeling SDK
We have a commercial Visual Studio 2010 DSL, when we release a new version we want to increment the version number. I open the DslDefinition.dsl and update the version number as required and then do a Transform all templates so that the changes get reflected. The DslPackage 'source.extension.vsixmanifest' gets updated fine and shows the new version number.
The issue is however is that when someone opens a model created from version with the updated version then they can't open the model, the reason seems to be that the 'dslVersion' in the *.diagram file is set to which has been outdated, I can fix by manually updating the dslVersion but there seems to be no way to set a supported version range.
Is there any fix for this?
I have solved this issue by overriding the 'CheckVersion' method which sits in the '*SerializationHelper' class. My implementation is below.
partial class ProductSerializationHelper
protected override void CheckVersion(Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.SerializationContext serializationContext, System.Xml.XmlReader reader)
#region Check Parameters
global::System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(serializationContext != null);
if (serializationContext == null)
throw new global::System.ArgumentNullException("serializationContext");
global::System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(reader != null);
if (reader == null)
throw new global::System.ArgumentNullException("reader");
global::System.Version expectedVersion = new global::System.Version("");
string dslVersionStr = reader.GetAttribute("dslVersion");
if (dslVersionStr != null)
global::System.Version actualVersion = new global::System.Version(dslVersionStr);
// #### THIS IS WHERE I CHANGED FROM '!=' to '>'
if (actualVersion > expectedVersion)
ProductSerializationBehaviorSerializationMessages.VersionMismatch(serializationContext, reader, expectedVersion, actualVersion);
catch (global::System.ArgumentException)
ProductSerializationBehaviorSerializationMessages.InvalidPropertyValue(serializationContext, reader, "dslVersion", typeof(global::System.Version), dslVersionStr);
catch (global::System.FormatException)
ProductSerializationBehaviorSerializationMessages.InvalidPropertyValue(serializationContext, reader, "dslVersion", typeof(global::System.Version), dslVersionStr);
catch (global::System.OverflowException)
ProductSerializationBehaviorSerializationMessages.InvalidPropertyValue(serializationContext, reader, "dslVersion", typeof(global::System.Version), dslVersionStr);