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how to remove multiple elements in array in libgdx

I am using libgdx, i have an arraylist of ball class created by me. i am trying to delete balls with same color at a time. due to shift in position of elements in array after deletion of element, this leave some element undelete. so i am using Snapshot Arrays

according to documentation array size and indexes will not change if we write our loop between array.begin() and array.end() methods. so i declared snapshot arrays

SnapshotArray<Ball> balls;

and my deletion method is

 private void removeVillianGroups(int color){
        Ball[] ball=balls.begin();
        for(int i=0;i<balls.size;i++){



and i am getting error with casting

 java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to [Lcom.mygames.haloween.Entity.Ball;

at this line above

Ball[] ball=balls.begin();

So here i created my array,basically i divide my screen width into six equal part, to have 6 column of balls

 private void createVillians() {

      for (int color=0;color<4;color++)//create 4 diffirent color balls in 4 rows
        for(int i=0;i<6;i++)//each row contan 6 same color balls
       balls.add(new Ball(viewport,new Vector2(i*viewport.getWorldWidth()/6,

//Ball class just draw balls according their color between 0 to 3.

this is what generate by this array


  • Can't you just use a regular ArrayList and iterate backwards:

    ArrayList<Ball> balls;
    private void removeVillianGroups(int color){
      for(int i = balls.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--){