I've a case on my Hand where I must be super duper sure that google (or any yahoo / bing for that matter) does not index specific content, so the more redundant, the better.
As far as i know there are 3 Ways to accomplish that, I wonder if there are more (redundancy is key here) :
So if that are all methods, good, but it would be just dandy if someone has some Idea how to be even more sure :D
(I know thats a little bit insane, but if the content shows up in google somehow it will get really expensive for my company :'-( )
uh, there are a lot more
a) identify googlebot (works similar with other bots) http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=80553 and don't show them the content
b) return these pages with an HTTP 404 / HTTP 410 header instead of HTTP 200
c) only show these pages to clients with cookies / sesssions
d) render the whole content as image (and then disalow the image)
e) render the whole content as an image data URL (then a disalow is not needed)
f) user pipes | in the URL structure (works in google, don't know about the other pages)
g) use dynamic URLs that only work let say for 5 minutes
and these are just a few on top of my mind ... there are propably more