I have a UILocalNotification object that I have setup with repeat intervals day, week, and month. I am having no troubles at all accessing the fire date of the object:
[cell.detailTextLabel setText:[notification1.fireDate description]];
But I am having troubles getting the next fire date. If I print out the above notification1 object to the console, I get this:
<UIConcreteLocalNotification: 0x613e060>{fire date = 2010-11-29 03:53:52 GMT, time zone = America/Denver (MST) offset -25200, repeat interval = 16, next fire date = 2010-11-30 03:53:52 GMT}
This object contains somewhere the value or data I need to display the next fire date...but I can't find it! Does anybody know where I can get it programmatically?
I don't think the next fire date is available as a property but rather calculated from fireDate
and repeatInterval
. Date calculating can be tricky with different time zones and other nasty things. In your example you have chosen a daily repeat and to calculate the next fire date you can do something along the lines of:
NSCalendar *calendar = localNotif.repeatCalendar;
if (!calendar) {
calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [[[NSDateComponents alloc] init] autorelease];
components.day = 1;
NSDate *nextFireDate = [calendar dateByAddingComponents:components toDate:localnotif.fireDate options:0];
If you use some other repeat interval you would have to change the code accordingly. If you were to use NSMonthCalendarUnit
you would have to use components.month = 1