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ES6 Promises return before catch

How can I achieve, that the caller of saveThings() get's a precise error description (A or B). Currently, my rejection of type A get's caught in the catch() clause, thus the caller always ends up with message B...

saveThings() {
    return, data)
    .then( response => {
        if ( !response )
            reject({message: 'error of type A - faulty response'});

        resolve('all went well');
    .catch( err => {
        throw new Error('error of type B - call failed');


  • well, it depends on when and therefore what you catch

    saveThings() {
        return, data)
            .catch(err => {
                throw new Error('error of type B - call failed');
            .then( response => {
                if ( !response )
                    throw new Error('error of type A - faulty response');
                return 'all went well';


    saveThings() {
        return, data)
            .then( response => {
                if ( !response )
                    throw new Error('error of type A - faulty response');
                return 'all went well';
            }, err => {
                throw new Error('error of type B - call failed');

    wich are pretty much equivalent. Only the first one creates an intermediate Promise, after the catch, wich the second one doesn't.