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Working with pointers: program that checks if strings are in lexicographical order

I am trying to make a program which checks if a list of Strings are in lexicographical order or not. If it is in order, the program should return 1, if not 0. To test the program I introduced the strings AA, BB and CC which obviously should be in order. However, the program return 0...


int lex_sorted(const char* array[]){
  int k;


      return 0;


  return 1;


int main(void){
  int result;
  const char* array[]={"AA","BB","CC",NULL};
  result= lex_sorted(array);
  return 0;


    1. *arr+k and *(arr+k), *arr+k+1 and *(arr+k+1) are two different expressions.
    2. It should be strcmp() > 0, not strcmp() < 0 as per requirement.
    3. i should be initialised before each iteration (inner loop)


    • It would be easy for others to read if arrays are indexed. arr[k] instead of *(arr+k)
    • Indetation can make a big difference while reading code.