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Clojure function definition: tree from paths

I'd like to define a function f that returns a tree (as nested maps) given a sequence of paths through that tree.


(def paths [[:a :b :c]
            [:a :b :d]
            [:b :d]
            [:b :e]
            [:b :e :a]])
(f paths) =>
[[:a [:b
       :c :d]]
 [:b :d
    [:e :a]]]

Assume that all vectors indicate paths stemming from the same root.

How might this function be defined functionally in a single pass?

I'm interested in behavior opposite to the function referenced here.


  • I would do it with maps like so:

    (def paths [[:a :b :c]
                [:a :b :d]
                [:b :d]
                [:b :e]
                [:b :e :a]])
    (defn update-with-path
      [tree-map path-vec]
      (assoc-in tree-map path-vec nil) )
    (defn build-tree [paths]
        {} paths )
    (deftest t-global
      (is= {:a nil} (update-with-path {} [:a]))
      (is= {:a {:b nil}} (update-with-path {} [:a :b]))
      (is= {:a {:b {:c nil}}} (update-with-path {} [:a :b :c]))
      (is= (build-tree paths)
        { :a
          { :b
            { :c nil
              :d nil}}
            :d nil
              { :a nil }}}

    Using maps is easy with assoc-in. All leaf values have nil as their value, while non-leaf values have a map as their value. Also, using a nested map structure means we don't have to worry about duplicates.

    You can find all of the leaf nodes like so:

    (ns xyz...
        [tupelo.core :as t]  ))
    (def t1 (build-tree paths))
    (def cum (atom []))
    (defn walker [path tree]
      (if (nil? tree)
        (swap! cum t/append path)
        (doseq [key (keys tree)]
          (walker (t/append path key) (t/grab key tree)))))
    (walker [] t1)
    (spyx @cum)
     => [[:a :b :c] [:a :b :d] [:b :d] [:b :e :a]]

    Then modify the tree creation code do make a new tree with vector leaves:

    (defn update-with-path-2
      [tree-map path-vec]
      (assoc-in tree-map path-vec path-vec))
    (defn build-tree-2 [paths]
        {} paths)
    (spyx (build-tree-2 @cum))
     => {:a {:b {:c [:a :b :c], 
                 :d [:a :b :d]}}, 
         :b {:d [:b :d], 
             :e {:a [:b :e :a]}}}

    This code uses the Tupelo library.