I'm trying to write a simple static site in Crystal using Kemal.
Going by this page, I should be fine, but I get a 404 when I try to load the site.
My program looks like this (you can see all the code I commented out trying to track the issue down)
#require "./LiedThisWeek/*"
require "kemal"
#module LiedThisWeek
# TODO Put your code here
#finder = LieFinder.new
#handler = HyperTextHandler.new finder
#indexPath = "public/index.html"
#spawn do
# loop do
# finder.refresh
# File.write indexPath, handler.getDoc
# sleep 60.second
# end
This is what my directory structure looks like:
├── LiedThisWeek
├── README.md
├── lib (removed for brevity)
├── public
│ ├── css
│ │ └── style.css
│ ├── images
│ │ ├── fireworks.jpg
│ │ └── sad.jpg
│ └── index.html
├── shard.lock
├── shard.yml
├── spec
│ ├── LiedThisWeek_spec.cr
│ └── spec_helper.cr
└── src
├── LiedThisWeek
│ ├── HyperTextHandler.cr
│ ├── Lie.cr
│ ├── LieFinder.cr
│ └── version.cr
└── LiedThisWeek.cr
32 directories, 112 files
Kemal author here.
Kemal doesn't serve index.html
as /
by default. However you can achieve that with a redirect
get "/" do |env|
env.redirect "index.html"