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How to use Nexus instead of maven for Grails app

I have a grails 2.5.3 app that uses Plugins and dependencies from maven. Now I'd like to use a Nexus server setup inside the company as a proxy for all the dependencies my app uses. However, I've never used Nexus before so I'm a bit confused as to how things would work.

I generated a POM.xml for my grails app using grails create-pom com.mycompany. The generated pom has the following artifactId


Then I added the following to the POM.xml

      <name>Nexus Repo</name>

Then I run mvn deploy

Now I can see my entire WAR file and POM at https://companynextus/content/repositories/myproj/com/mycompany/myproj/1.0.0.R1/

At this point I just change my BuildConfig.groovy from:

repositories {
    inherits true // Whether to inherit repository definitions from plugins



repositories {
    inherits true // Whether to inherit repository definitions from plugins

    grailsRepo "https://companynextus/content/repositories/myproj/com/mycompany/myproj/1.0.0.R1"
    mavenRepo "https://companynextus/content/repositories/myproj/com/mycompany/myproj/1.0.0.R1"

But I get error while doing grails prod war

Resolve error obtaining dependencies: Could not find artifact org.grails.plugins:tomcat:zip:8.0.33 in https://companynextus/content/repositories/myproj/com/mycompany/myproj/1.0.0.R1(https://companynextus/content/repositories/myproj/com/mycompany/myproj/1.0.0.R1) (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)


  • We created a nexus repository group (http://nexushost/content/groups/repo), that caches all external maven repos (maven central, grails repos), and our internal releases repo too.

    As for deployment, we have one repo for snapshots (http://nexushost/content/repositories/snapshots), and one repo for releases (http://nexushost/content/repositories/releases/).

    This is an excerpt of our BuildConfig with grails 2.5.1. It should not be very different with your version:

    def env = System.getenv() + new HashMap(
    grails {
        project {
            repos {
                SNAPSHOTS {
                    url = "http://nexushost/content/repositories/snapshots"
                    username = env.NEXUS_DEPLOY
                    password = env.NEXUS_DEPLOY_PASS
                RELEASES {
                    url = "http://nexushost/content/repositories/releases/"
                    username = env.NEXUS_DEPLOY
                    password = env.NEXUS_DEPLOY_PASS
    grails.project.dependency.resolver = "maven" 
    grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
        inherits("global") {
        repositories {
            inherits true
            mavenRepo('http://nexushost/content/groups/repo') {
                        username: env.NEXUS_BUILD,
                        password: env.NEXUS_BUILD_PASS
            mavenRepo('http://nexushost/content/repositories/snapshots') {
                        username: env.NEXUS_BUILD,
                        password: env.NEXUS_BUILD_PASS
                updatePolicy 'always'