I'm getting started with websockets. Trying to write a python server for a browser based (javascript) client.
I have also never really done asynchronous programming before (except "events"). I was trying to avoid it - I have searched and searched for an example of websocket use that did not involve importing tornado or asyncio. But I've found nothing, even the "most basic examples" do it.
So now I'm internalising it, but clear it up for me - is "full duplex" server code necessarily asynchronous?
Full-duplex servers are necessarily concurrent. In Tornado and asyncio
, concurrency is based on the asynchronous programming model, so if you use a websocket library based on one of those packages, your code will need to be asynchronous.
But that's not the only way: full-duplex websockets could be implemented in a synchronous way by dedicating a thread to reading from the connection (in addition to whatever other threads you're using). I don't know if there are any python websocket implementations that support this kind of multithreading model for full-duplex, but that's how Go's websocket implementation works for example.
That said, the asynchronous/event-driven model is a natural fit for websockets (it's how everything works on the javascript side), so I would encourage you to get comfortable with that model instead of trying to find a way to work with websockets synchronously.