I want to build an inverted index in python using the great https://spacy.io/ library to tokenize the words.
They provide a great example how to concurrently perform the preprocessing and end up with a nice list of documents ready to be indexed.
texts = [u'One document.', u'...', u'Lots of documents']
# .pipe streams input, and produces streaming output
iter_texts = (texts[i % 3] for i in range(100000000))
for i, doc in enumerate(nlp.pipe(iter_texts, batch_size=50, n_threads=4)):
assert doc.is_parsed
if i == 30:
What I do not understand so far is how to maintain a relationship (file path/ URL) to the original documents using this method, i.e. to store it as an additional attribute with each document.
Here is the solution https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/issues/172
def gen_items():
print("Yield 0")
yield (0, 'Text 0')
print("Yield 1")
yield (1, 'Text 1')
print("Yield 2")
yield (2, 'Text 2')
gen1, gen2 = itertools.tee(gen_items())
ids = (id_ for (id_, text) in gen1)
texts = (text for (id_, text) in gen2)
docs = nlp.pipe(texts, batch_size=50, n_threads=4)
for id_, doc in zip(ids, docs):
print(id_, doc.text)