I am doing braintree integration with our payment page, and have decided to use "drop-in" for the same. However, When I try to load the page, I can see network calls being made to braintree sandbox website, however drop-in UI does not load. No errors in the console either.
Here is my code -
function invokeBraintree(clientToken, amount){
var el = angular.element( "<form id='btform'><div id='bt-dropin'></div></form>" );
$document.find("body").append( el );
var options = {
onPaymentMethodReceived: function(payload) {
console.log(payload); // yay
container: 'bt-dropin',
enableCORS: true
braintreeWeb.setup(clientToken, 'dropin', options)
Any help is appreciated.
One thing I observed is, A call is being made to https://api.sandbox.braintreegateway.com/merchants/zn7trnkh3vqfp59n/client_api/v1/payment_methods which return below response.
Not sure why its returning empty payment methods, I suspect that's the issue.
Apparently it turned out to be an issue with my Braintree account. I had a sandbox account and PayPal was not enabled in sandbox account by default. Also there is no way you can do it manually.
I contacted Braintree support and they enabled it for me. Then everything started working.