I am new to UML diagrams, so this may be a very ignorant question though I can't find the answer anywhere.
There is a class Classroom that holds an object of lecture times. Should lecture times be its own class or should it be an attribute of Classroom?
Feel free to critique notation.
Edit: I have already seen this post and it has not helped. I would like to know if LectureTime should be a separate class.
Option 2:
You create a new class if it has more than a single attribute and/or additional operations (which are not just a getter/setter). Or of you plan to add them in a later phase.
In your case lectureTime
is obviously a simple type and the 2nd variant is to be preferred, except see above.
However, instead of the round braces you should use square brackets like validLectureTimes[]
or validLectureTimes[0..*]
which are equivalent.