How do i find the actual numerical values held in an MXNet symbol.
Suppose I have,
x = mx.sym.Variable('x')
y = mx.sym.Variable('y')
z = x + y,
if x = [100,200] and y=[300,400], I want to print:
z = [400,600]
sort of like tensorflow's eval() method
After looking around a bit, I found you can do this by:
x = mx.sym.Variable('x')
y = mx.sym.Variable('y')
z = x + y
executor = z.bind(mx.cpu(), {'x': mx.nd.array([100,200]), 'y':mx.nd.array([300,400])})
output = executor.forward()
will give you the 'output':
[<NDArray 2 @cpu(0)>]
To print the actual numerical output:
print output[0].asnumpy()
array([ 400., 600.], dtype=float32)