How can you use PowerShell workflows to interact with Exchange Online via remote PowerShell and take advantage of the workflow features such as parallel foreach, retries, etc.?
#I could never find specific examples of this and finally got it working so I wanted to share. This PowerShell workflow allows you to query Exchange Online (could be Exchange on-premises as well) in parallel, automatically retries on error and throttles itself.
Hopefully this is of benefit to others (and is an appropriate way to post a question/answer), if you have other examples of PowerShell workflows using remoting I would love to see them.
workflow Test-ExchangeQuery {
Short description
Long description
Example of how to use this cmdlet
Another example of how to use this cmdlet
# Username of account
# Exchange / AD Credentials
Set-PSWorkFlowData -PSAllowRedirection $true
ForEach -Parallel -ThrottleLimit (2) ($user in $Identity) {
InlineScript {
Get-Mailbox -Identity $using:user | Select-Object Name, PrimarySmtpAddress
} -DisplayName "Querying Exchange" `
-PSCredential $Credential `
-PSConnectionUri "" `
-PSConfigurationName "Microsoft.Exchange" `
-PSComputerName $null `
-PSAuthentication Basic `
-PSConnectionRetryCount 3 `