I have an array of tranTypes
(transaction types) that are loaded into a dropdown. After the user selects a value and navigates to another component upon returning the value is not selected in the dropdown.
From other readings, I've learned this is b/c the objects are not the same instance. What do I do in this situation then?
<select name="tranType"
<option *ngFor="let tranType of tranTypes"
ngOnInit(): void {
.subscribe(tranTypes => {
this.tranTypes = tranTypes;
//set value of tranType if already set in the model
if (this.myService.model.tranType != undefined) {
this.myService.model.tranType = this.tranTypes.find(r => r.id == this.myService.model.tranType.id);
error => this.errorMessage = <any>error);
From 4.0.0-beta.6 on, you can use a custom comparison function
<select [compareWith]="equals"
equals(o1: Country, o2: Country) {
return o1.id === o2.id;
for earlier versions you can look up the tranType
in tranTypes
by comparing content similar to above equals, and then assign the found instance to model.tranType
to make it the selected one.