I have a page with PDF export option. Beside these tables I have also three charts (Highcharts). These charts are exported fine but the table is completely ignored. Is there a way to fix this?
This is my code:
$pdf->setOption('enable-javascript', true);
$pdf->setOption('javascript-delay', 10000);
$pdf->setOption('no-stop-slow-scripts', true);
$pdf->setOption('dpi', 100);
$pdf->setOption('image-quality', 100);
return $pdf->setOrientation('landscape')->setOption('margin-top', 0)->download('export-' . $id . ' .pdf');
And simple bootstrap table:
<table cellspacing="0" class="table table-responsive table-striped table-bordered">
changing the dpi worked for me. wkhtmltopdf -O Portrait --dpi 600 -L 0mm -R 0mm -T 0mm -B 0mm --page-size A4