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AWS Cognito SDK Node.JS Implementation

I am working on a server for an API that I am developing that is being built using node.js and requires the use of AWS Cognito. Before this, we developed a working version of this application on client side that used the AWS SDK, and I am currently trying to translate that functionality over to the server side. I am struggling to find a good way of doing this and have a few specific questions that, if answered, would probably allow me to get the implementation I am looking for. Basically, I want to know what the AWSCognito object is and how to access it like I see in the following line of code.

var poolData = { 
    UserPoolId : 'us-east-###########',
    ClientId : '########################'
var userPool = new AWSCognito.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.CognitoUserPool(poolData);

Currently my code is set up using the complete AWS SDK, installed using [a] and accessed in my code using [b].

[a] npm install --save aws-sdk
[b] var AWS = require('aws-sdk');

Is there a way to access this AWSCognito object from my AWS object? If so, how do I do that? If not, how do I get access to it/is it even possible to access it?

Edit: In broad summary, I just want access to the following functions and have no clue how to access them from a node.js server-

  1. userPool.signUp(username, password, attributes, callback)
  2. cognitoUser.confirmPassword(verification, newPassword, {})
  3. cognitoUser.forgotPassword({})
  4. cognitoUser.authenticateUser(authenticationDetails, {})
  5. userPool.getCurrentUser()
  6. cognitoUser.getSession(callback)
  7. cognitoUser.confirmRegistration(verification, bool, callback)
  8. cognitoUser.updateAttributes(attributeList, callback)
  9. cognitoUser.getUserAttributes(callback)

Edit: Update 1

The AWSCognito object is something being set to a global variable in the window by the AWS Cognito SDK. This is a process that only works client-side (yes I know there are hacky solutions to emulate a window on my server, I would prefer not to use these). Is there an equivalent object on server side that I can access and call functions from?


  • You can use Cognito in a Node.JS environment, but doing so with the AWS SDK for JavaScript is a bit different from doing so with the AWS Cognito SDK. Based on the names of the functions you want to access, you should take a look at the Cognito Identity Provider Service. Operations that start with admin are meant to be called from a server using AWS credentials.