In SQL I am trying to extract the first and the second date from a table. I am using the query below which I formulated based on a number of posts I read on here about the same topic i.e. extracting the second date etc. But for some reason it does not give me the right answer and I don't understand why.
The table is called motif_segmentvalue
and it has a column called EntryDate
which I am interested in using to extract the dates. I wrote a small query for a particular user 5407
to see if I was getting the right result or not.
select sv2.UserId, sv2.EntryDate, min(sv2.EntryDate)
from motif_segmentvalue sv2
where sv2.EntryDate > (select MIN(sv3.EntryDate) from motif_segmentvalue sv3)
and sv2.UserId = "5407"
The output that I get is:
UserId EntryDate min(sv2.EntryDate)
5407 2016-01-20 12:50:00 2016-01-20 12:50:00
Based on my data, this is incorrect and the "EntryDate" column should have a different date to the min(sv2.EntryDate) - it should have the second date. But for some reason, it does not. I cannot understand what I'm doing wrong. Can anyone provide hints on what I might be doing incorrectly? Am I wrongly expecting "EntryDate" to be the second date?
I have also tried many other users and both columns give the same date.
I think this will get you what you want.
It has a 2050-01-01 date as backup for when there is no second date
select sv2.UserId, min(sv2.EntryDate) as first
, min(if(sv2.EntryDate=mindate,'2050-01-01', sv2.EntryDate)) as second
from motif_segmentvalue sv2
join (
select sv3.UserId, min(sv3.EntryDate) as mindate
FROM motif_segmentvalue sv3
WHERE sv3.UserId = "5407"
) as temp ON temp.UserId = sv2.UserId
WHERE sv2.UserId = "5407"
update: This will fetch the second date, instead of the next datetime.
select sv2.UserId, min(sv2.EntryDate) as first
, min(if(date(sv2.EntryDate)=mindate,'2050-01-01', sv2.EntryDate)) as second
from motif_segmentvalue sv2
join (
select sv3.UserId, min(date(sv3.EntryDate)) as mindate
FROM motif_segmentvalue sv3
WHERE sv3.UserId = "5407"
) as temp ON temp.UserId = sv2.UserId
WHERE sv2.UserId = "5407"