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Ion_auth - multiple users on one session

I've been using ion_auth with codeigniter for a system for 3 years now. Suddenly the sessions are not working as they should.

When user A logs into the website, their session seems to be shared with all the other users. So when user B then navigates to any of the routes, they are "logged in" with user A's credentials.

I've tested this with multiple users, as soon as a user logs into the site, all the other users that visit the site are automatically logged in with that user's credentials / session.

If the user logs out and the auth/logout route is called, the session is not destroyed and all users stay logged in on that session.

The initial redirect after login goes to /vehicle/index . Once you navigate to any other page that checks if the user is logged in, you are redirected to login.

Main Controller code:

public function vehicle()

    if (!$this->ion_auth->logged_in())
    else {
        if (!$this->ion_auth->is_admin()) {

            * User IS NOT admin
            // Get User_id if standard user
            $user = $this->ion_auth->user()->row();
            // Build Crud

Controller auth.php

public function logout()
    $this->data['title'] = "Logout";

    // log the user out
    $logout = $this->ion_auth->logout();

    // redirect them to the login page
    $this->session->set_flashdata('message', $this->ion_auth->messages());
    redirect('auth/login', 'refresh');

Server PHP Version 5.6.30 - Build Date Feb 3 2017 07:51:58

Codeigniter version 2.2.1 - version not changed

Ion_Auth Config:

$config['hash_method']    = 'bcrypt';   // sha1 or bcrypt, bcrypt is 

STRONGLY recommended
$config['default_rounds'] = 8;      // This does not apply if random_rounds is set to true
$config['random_rounds']  = FALSE;
$config['min_rounds']     = 5;
$config['max_rounds']     = 9;
$config['salt_prefix']    = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.7', '<') ? '$2a$' : '$2y$';

 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 | Authentication options.
 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 | maximum_login_attempts: This maximum is not enforced by the library, but is
 | used by $this->ion_auth->is_max_login_attempts_exceeded().
 | The controller should check this function and act
 | appropriately. If this variable set to 0, there is no maximum.
$config['site_title']                 = "Cars in the park";       // Site Title,
$config['admin_email']                = "[email protected]"; // Admin Email, [email protected]
$config['default_group']              = 'members';           // Default group, use name
$config['admin_group']                = 'admin';             // Default administrators group, use name
$config['identity']                   = 'email';             // A database column which is used to login with
$config['min_password_length']        = 8;                   // Minimum Required Length of Password
$config['max_password_length']        = 20;                  // Maximum Allowed Length of Password
$config['email_activation']           = TRUE;               // Email Activation for registration
$config['manual_activation']          = TRUE;               // Manual Activation for registration
$config['remember_users']             = FALSE;                // Allow users to be remembered and enable auto-login
$config['user_expire']                = 30;               // How long to remember the user (seconds). Set to zero for no expiration
$config['user_extend_on_login']       = FALSE;               // Extend the users cookies every time they auto-login
$config['track_login_attempts']       = TRUE;               // Track the number of failed login attempts for each user or ip.
$config['track_login_ip_address']     = TRUE;                // Track login attempts by IP Address, if FALSE will track based on identity. (Default: TRUE)
$config['maximum_login_attempts']     = 3;                   // The maximum number of failed login attempts.
$config['lockout_time']               = 600;                 // The number of seconds to lockout an account due to exceeded attempts
$config['forgot_password_expiration'] = 0;                   // The number of milliseconds after which a forgot password request will expire. If set to 0, forgot password requests will not expire.

Session config:

$config['sess_cookie_name']     = 'ci_session';
$config['sess_expiration']      = 30;
$config['sess_expire_on_close'] = TRUE;
$config['sess_encrypt_cookie']  = FALSE;
$config['sess_use_database']    = FALSE;
$config['sess_table_name']      = 'ci_sessions';
$config['sess_match_ip']        = FALSE;
$config['sess_match_useragent'] = FALSE;
$config['sess_time_to_update']  = 30;

Session variable(for logged in user. All other users have the same info in the session):

stdClass Object ( [id] => 1148 [ip_address] => [username] => testing [password] => $2y$08$Q4fjUfsuOKM/Q8cnQt6j0uSXP.3mCqMnzDY1nBA9RDlwm [salt] => sadsda [email] => [email protected] [activation_code] => [forgotten_password_code] => [forgotten_password_time] => [remember_code] => [created_on] => 1426181328 [last_login] => 1490008619 [active] => 1 [first_name] => Name [last_name] => Testing [company] => [phone] => [user_id] => 1148 )


  • Change the following settings in config:

    $config['sess_driver'] = 'database';
    $config['sess_save_path'] = 'ci_sessions';

    Create Table ci_sessions:

    For MySQL:

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ci_sessions`;
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ci_sessions` (
        `id` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
        `ip_address` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
        `timestamp` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
        `data` blob NOT NULL,
        KEY `ci_sessions_timestamp` (`timestamp`)

    For PostgreSQL:

    CREATE TABLE "ci_sessions" (
        "id" varchar(128) NOT NULL,
        "ip_address" varchar(45) NOT NULL,
        "timestamp" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
        "data" text DEFAULT '' NOT NULL
    CREATE INDEX "ci_sessions_timestamp" ON "ci_sessions" ("timestamp");

    To Use Database as Your Session Driver

    The ‘database’ driver uses a relational database such as MySQL or PostgreSQL to store sessions. This is a popular choice among many users, because it allows the developer easy access to the session data within an application - it is just another table in your database.

    However, there are some conditions that must be met:

    • Only your default database connection (or the one that you access as $this->db from your controllers) can be used.
    • You must have the Query Builder enabled.
    • You can NOT use a persistent connection.
    • You can NOT use a connection with the cache_on setting enabled.

    Source: Codeigniter Session