I am trying to copy the folder structure of one document library to another,
This always fails with the exception:
Update : Exception calling "Update" with "0" argument(s): "Dieser Vorgang kann nur für eine Datei ausgeführt werden. Bei "http://machine/CopyTest2/EUR/Germany" handelt es sich um einen Ordner."
Free translation:
Update : Exception calling "Update" with "0" argument(s): "This action can only be invoked for a file. "http://machine/CopyTest2/EUR/Germany" is a folder."
This is the code I'm currently using:
foreach ($Folder in $AllFolders) {
$ParentFolderURL = ""
$i = 1 #Set 1 so we ignore the first part of the url, which is the library name. we only want the folders
$FolderURL = $Folder.url.Split("/")
while ($i -lt ($FolderURL.count - 1)) {
$ParentFolderURL = "$ParentFolderURL/" + $FolderURL[$i]
# Targetfolder is now http://server/copytest1/EUR
$targetFolderUrl = "$($DestinationWebURL)/$($dList.Title)$($ParentFolderURL)"
#check if the folder exists by querying web.GetFolder($targetFolderUrl) and check if it is null or not
if (!($dWeb.GetFolder($targetFolderUrl)).Exists) {
$NewFolder = $dlist.Folders.Add($targetFolderUrl, [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFileSystemObjectType]::Folder, $Folder.Name)
$NewFolder["Title"] = $Folder.Name
else {
#If the folder already exists, retrieve the folder where the file will be created
$NewFolder = $dList.Folders | Where-Object {$_.name -eq $Folder.Name}
I'm pretty sure the faulty line is
$NewFolder = $dlist.Folders.Add($targetFolderUrl, [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFileSystemObjectType]::Folder, $Folder.Name)
but I cannot figure out what the correct value for the relative url should be.
Alternatives I've tried, where a combination of relative urls:
$NewFolder = $dlist.Folders.Add("/$($dList.Title)$($ParentFolderURL)", [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFileSystemObjectType]::Folder, $Folder.Name)
$NewFolder = $dlist.Folders.Add($ParentFolderURL, [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFileSystemObjectType]::Folder, $Folder.Name)
But none do work.
Alright. As always: PEBCAK
was pointing to the list itself if the $ParentFolderUrl
was empty. Additionally the folder name itself was missing. The wrong logic cascaded down from there on out.
$targetFolderUrl = "$($DestinationWebURL)/$($dList.Title)$($ParentFolderURL)/$($Folder.Name)"
As stated in my question, the relativeUrl parameter was wrong as well:
$NewFolder = $dlist.Folders.Add("/$($dList.Title)$ParentFolderURL", [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFileSystemObjectType]::Folder, $Folder.Name)
These 2 changes rectified the my errors and the complete hierachy is now created almost instantly.