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pysimplesoap Cannot determine service in WSDL: SOAP version: soap11

I created a simple web service and consumed it with pysimplesoap. Then I added ssl to the service(self signed) and tried to do the same but I am getting the error:

RuntimeError: Cannot determine service in WSDL: SOAP version: soap11

This is my code:

from pysimplesoap.client import SoapClient
import base64
import ssl
base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % ('username', 'password')).replace('\n', '')

ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
authenticationHeader = {

    "Authorization" : "Basic %s" % base64string,
client = SoapClient(wsdl="",trace=True,http_headers=authenticationHeader)

response = client.method("param")
print response

Does anyone know why I am getting the error? I have a feeling I need to configure something..


  • This is not really an answer for the problem above but it is a solution.. I switched to zeep library and everything works now.