Currently I am using the silex boilerplate from the storyblok github repository, where I load the stories via the getStories
My code looks like this:
set reference = getStories(global('references_path'), 1, 0, options('{"filter_by[customer_name]":"' ~ item.customer_name ~ '"}'))
This code is called from another twig component in a loop.
For one "reference" I do get this error message:
file_put_contents(../cache//c3RvcnlibG9rOnN0b3JpZXMvYTo0OntpOjA7czoxMDoiRXJkZ2FzIE/DliI7aToxO3M6MTE6ImRlL3Byb2pla3RlIjtpOjI7aToxO2k6MztzOjM6ImZzcCI7fQ==): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /webapp/vendor/apix/cache/src/Files.php
Seems to be an Issue with the cache.
Thanks in advance.
The path which will be generated in your case contains a /
. So PHP can't create the file because it would be in an not existing folder.
We can see that this issue is in the Files.php
of the Apix/Cache
we are using to allow different caching options for the silex boilerplate. Nevertheless, we've found a way to fix this issue by now - but we will create a new pull request for the Apix/Cache
so it will check for /
before saving.
For you this means:
composer update
to install our new php-client version v1.1.11.