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How to remove cli configs from npm

When I run npm config list, I can see the following under ; cli configs:

; cli configs
metrics-registry = ""
scope = ""
user-agent = "npm/4.4.1 node/v6.10.1 win32 x64"

However, when I run npm config edit, or even npm config --global edit, I don't see those entries that are listed under ; cli configs. I only see my ; userconfig if I run npm config edit, or my ; globalconfig if I run npm config --global edit.

How can I remove something under the ; cli configs?


  • If I understand correctly, other than scope and user-agent, options listed under cli configs are typically set on the command line.

    $ npm --foo=bar config list
    ; cli configs
    foo = "bar"

    If you are not passing flags on the command line, some possibilities might be:

    • your npm command is an alias that has the CLI flags added
    • your npm command is a wrapper that adds the CLI flags
    • your npm command was configured at compile time to include these additional configuration options. (Perhaps you are using a version of npm that came bundled with something other than a vanilla node installation?)

    That is not an exhaustive list, but those are the things I would check first.