I'm trying to add a button to my title bar. It doesn't seem to show and some reason hides the title words.
In my JFrame I do:
And my title class:
public class CustomTitlePane extends SubstanceTitlePane {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public CustomTitlePane(JRootPane root, SubstanceRootPaneUI ui) {
super(root, ui);
public static void editTitleBar(JFrame frame){
JComponent title = SubstanceLookAndFeel.getTitlePaneComponent(frame);
JButton titleButton = new JButton("test");
titleButton.putClientProperty("substancelaf.internal.titlePane.extraComponentKind", ExtraComponentKind.TRAILING);
Found the answer. The title bar has no layout and therefore you need to add bounds to what ever you add like so:
titleButton.setBounds(20, 0, 40, 20);
Now you will get a nice button after the icon and before the title :)
The other option is to add a layout manager to the title bar.