I'm working in a Sybase database.I want the 3rd 'WHEN' statement as Integer as output of Original value(Round((sum(value)*100),1)). How can I achieve this. Thanks in advance.
CASE WHEN Round((sum(value)*100),1)<0 THEN 'Neg'
WHEN Round((sum(value)*100),1)=0 THEN 'N/A'
WHEN Round((sum(value)*100),1)>0 THEN Round((sum(value)*100),1)
Note: here 3rd row indicating error as it is an integer.The error, I'm getting is :
Error:- Data exception - data type conversion is not possible. In CASE expression, incompatible data type at result expression 3, ROUND(COALESCE ((SUM(MSTR.SUM.value)*100),0),1)
Secondly , I tried with Else statement below.
CASE WHEN Round((sum(value)*100),1)<0 THEN 'Neg'
WHEN Round((sum(value)*100),1)=0 THEN 'N/A'
--WHEN Round((sum(value)*100),1)>0 THEN Round((sum(value)*100),1)
ELSE Round((sum(value)*100),1)
But still getting the same error. Please help me out. Thanks.
You need to cast the number as varchar
to match the type of other possible results of CASE statement
CASE WHEN Round((sum(value)*100),1)<0 THEN 'Neg'
WHEN Round((sum(value)*100),1)=0 THEN 'N/A'
WHEN Round((sum(value)*100),1)>0 THEN CAST(Round((sum(value)*100),1) as varchar)