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Getting time taken for each thread

I am checking a load with a minimum of 2000 threads in JMeter in the command line mode. I am using Graphic Generator also to get nice graphs. But at the end of the execution, I am getting an aggregated result inside the graphics generated results. What I actually wanted is the time taken for each thread in a nice format either in CSV or in Graph.

The command I am using is

sh jmeter -n -t /Project/Tests/test.jmx -l /Project/Tests/results.csv

Even though the results.CSV generates the whole but its not in a nice format. Can someone suggest me any other better options if available? Because my program is expecting each thread to return within 7 seconds if not my program will discard that thread. Hence i need to know how many threads are returned within 7 seconds.


  • Actually you should already have what you need.

    1. You can figure out threads response times from .jtl results file, look into elapsed column. You can sort and see the most time-consuming sample results and how many of them exceed 7000 ms

      JMeter CSV Sort

    2. There is Response Times Over Time graph which can show the trend of response times while the test is running

      JMeter Response Times Over Time

    3. There is Response Times Distribution graph which can show the statistics of response times per number of requests executed

      JMeter Response Times distribution

      Both plugins can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager

    4. And finally you can use Duration Assertion so JMeter would fail requests which last longer than 7 seconds automatically