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How to insert into a table all dates and all months between year 2000 and 2020?

I have created a table called time_range in SQL Server 2008 with columns

date ID, Month ID, year ID

How can I bulk insert all the date, month, year into these columns from year 2000 to 2020? Is there any simple query to do this?

Please help thanks in advance.


1/1/2000  | January  |2000

TO :

31/12/2020| December | 2020


  • You can use recursive CTE to do this:

    with cte (dateId)
    as (
        select cast('2000-01-01' as date)
        union all
        select dateadd(day, 1, dateId)
        from cte
        where dateId < cast('2020-12-31' as date)
    select dateId,
        datename(Month, dateId) as monthId,
        year(dateId) as yearId
    from cte 
    option (maxrecursion 0);  -- to remove the recursion limit

    You can use this to do the insert into other table