Search code examples

SQL Table result in a xml output

I have a table

Key     code 
1       100
1       200
1       300
1       400
2       100
2       200
2       300

I am looking for my result in one row with key and other row XML_data

Key      XML_Data(XML column)
1        <sub><key>1...
2        <sub><key>2...

XML_Data example :

  <key> 1 </Key>
      <code> 100 </code>
      <code> 200 </code>
      <code> 300 </code>
      <code> 400 </code>



  • Your question is quite fuzzy, but my magic crystall ball tells me, that you are looking for this:

    DECLARE @tbl TABLE([Key] INT, code INT);

    --The query will first find a distinct list of keys and then use nested FOR XML-selects to gather your data into the structure wanted:

    WITH DistinctKeys AS
    (SELECT [Key] FROM @tbl GROUP BY [Key])
    SELECT dk.[Key]
            SELECT dk.[Key]
                    SELECT t.code
                    FROM @tbl AS t
                    WHERE t.[Key]=dk.[Key]
                    FOR XML PATH(''),ROOT('list'),TYPE
            FOR XML PATH('sub'),TYPE    
           ) AS XML_Data
    FROm DistinctKeys AS dk

    The result

    Key XML_Data
    1   <sub><Key>1</Key><list><code>100</code><code>200</code><code>300</code><code>400</code></list></sub>
    2   <sub><Key>2</Key><list><code>100</code><code>200</code><code>300</code></list></sub>