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A special case of Lob's theorem using Coq

I have a formula inductively defined as follows:

Parameter world : Type.
Parameter R : world -> world -> Prop.
Definition Proposition : Type := world -> Prop

(* This says that R has only a finite number of steps it can take *)
Inductive R_ends : world -> Prop :=
 | re : forall w, (forall w', R w w' -> R_ends w') -> R_ends w.
 (*  if every reachable state will end then this state will end *)

And hypothesis:

Hypothesis W : forall w, R_ends w.

I would like to prove:

forall P: Proposition, (forall w, (forall w0, R w w0 -> P w0) -> P w)) -> (forall w, P w)

I tried using the induction tactic on the type world but failed since it is not an inductive type.

Is it provable in Coq and if yes, can you suggest how?


  • You can use structural induction on a term of type R_ends:

    Lemma lob (P : Proposition) (W : forall w, R_ends w) :
        (forall w, (forall w0, R w w0 -> P w0) -> P w) -> (forall w, P w).
      intros H w.
      specialize (W w).
      induction W.
      apply H.
      intros w' Hr.
      apply H1.

    Incidentally, you could have defined R_ends in a slightly different manner, using a parameter instead of an index:

    Inductive R_ends (w : world) : Prop :=
     | re : (forall w', R w w' -> R_ends w') -> R_ends w.

    When written this way, it's easy to see that R_ends is analogous to the accessibility predicate Acc, defined in the standard library (Coq.Init.Wf):

    Inductive Acc (x: A) : Prop :=
         Acc_intro : (forall y:A, R y x -> Acc y) -> Acc x.

    It's used to work with well-founded induction.