I'm using GitHub Enterprise and I uploaded a large binary file to the Release section of a repo. The link to the download file is https://git.mycompany.com/theuser/therepo/releases/download/0.0.1-alpha/large.file.
What's the proper way to download this file using cURL?
Every time I try to cURL the file, I get a response saying that I'm being redirected, or I get garbage back. I'm able to cURL a file that's inside the actual repo using the raw link to the file (which has a token in the URL).
I've tried various combinations of cURL against the GitHub API, and other URLs, but nothing is working.
Every time I try to cURL the file, I get a response saying that I'm being redirected
Make sure to use curl -L
to follow redirections.
or I get garbage back
Make sure to use curl -O afile
or otherwise the result of the download would be directly on stdout.
So in short
curl -L -O afile https://git.mycompany.com/theuser/therepo/releases/download/0.0.1-alpha/large.file
Or use the "Latest release asset" GitHub API, combined with this curl
curl -vLJO -H 'Accept: application/octet-stream' 'https://api.github.com/repos/:owner/:repo/releases/assets/:id?access_token=:token'
See more at "How to download GitHub Release from private repo using command line".
If your repo is not a private one, you might not need a token access.