Hei all, I have this procedural program that creates different object in Maya through Python. After the creation of these elements I want to get the user the possibility to select some of these object and though a button to delete it...The problem is that I don't understand how to get the name of the object... So far my code is this..
#Deletes Selected Element selected from the user
def DeleteSelection(*args):
selected = cmds.ls(sl=1,sn=True)
And in the GUI I have this button...
cmds.button(label='Delete Selection', w=150,h=30,command=DeleteSelection)
cmds.ls will return a list, you need to check the list and delete what ever you want to delete, and sn is very bad always use long name because there can be duplicates.
selected = cmds.ls(sl=True,long=True) or []
for eachSel in selected: