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Emacs c-mode-hook runs when opening a php file

I created a hook function to activate irony-mode when working with c files. However, when I open a php file, these hook is also executed.

Here is the code:

(defun my-company-irony ()
  (unless (memq 'company-irony company-backends)
    (setq-local company-backends (cons 'company-irony company-backends))))

(add-hook 'c-mode-hook #'my-company-irony)

Does anybody knows how to stop executing this hook on php files?


  • Seems like php-mode inherits from c-mode, which I think means it will run c-mode-hook. If you look at cc-mode.el, other C-like modes inherit from prog-mode instead of directly from c-mode, which is probably the Right Thing. You should probably submit a bug to php-mode.

    To fix it in the meantime, just wrap your code in a test for c-mode

    (defun my-company-irony ()
      (when (eq major-mode 'c-mode)
        (unless (memq 'company-irony company-backends)
          (setq-local company-backends (cons 'company-irony company-backends)))))