I need your help,
I am trying to have text, followed by a table then more text however, the current output is table, text, then more text.
The problem:
The desired output:
The code in question:
function test() {
var wordApp = new ActiveXObject("Word.Application")
var doc = wordApp.Documents.Add()
var sel = wordApp.Selection
sel.TypeText("Text Content1")
doc.PageSetup.LeftMargin = CentimetersToPoints(0.75)
doc.PageSetup.RightMargin = CentimetersToPoints(0.75)
doc.Tables.Add(Range=doc.Range(0, 0), numrows=1, numcolumns=10)
doc.Tables(1).Range.Font.Size = 9
doc.Tables(1).Range.Font.Name = 'Arial'
doc.Tables(1).Rows(1).Range.Font.Bold = true
doc.Tables(1).Cell(1,1).Range.Text = '#'
doc.Tables(1).Cell(1,2).Range.Text = 'File Number'
doc.Tables(1).Cell(1,3).Range.Text = 'Subject'
doc.Tables(1).Cell(1,4).Range.Text = 'Branch'
doc.Tables(1).Cell(1,5).Range.Text = 'Division'
doc.Tables(1).Cell(1,6).Range.Text = 'Related Documents'
doc.Tables(1).Cell(1,7).Range.Text = 'Current Status'
doc.Tables(1).Cell(1,8).Range.Text = 'Assigned To'
doc.Tables(1).Cell(1,9).Range.Text = 'Action Required'
doc.Tables(1).Cell(1,10).Range.Text = 'Last Updated'
sel.TypeText("Text Content2")
wordApp.Visible = true
wordApp.WindowState = 1
You're explicitly inserting your table at Range(0,0)
(the very beginning of the document), hence why it's appearing above both text paragraphs. Try:
doc.Tables.Add(sel.Range, numrows=1, numcolumns=10)
Then, after your AutoFit
you'll probably need to do this: