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ReplicaSetId conflict while adding node MongoDB

When I try to add a new node to my replicate set I get this message:

{ "ok" : 0, "errmsg" : "Our replica set ID of 5890ad86c92c6c88e8573df0 did not match that of, which is 5890a6b137e1380d1e697f2a", "code" : 103, "codeName" : "NewReplicaSetConfigurationIncompatible" }


  • I had the same error and impossible to find out why ... I come back on the post to send the solution if others pass here.

    Simply do not initialize the replicate on both servers:

    I have two separate X and Y servers without mongodb, X and Y are IP addresses or domains.

    1. Install mongodb on both servers
    2. Edit the sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf configuration files on both servers
    3. [in file] Replace bindIp: with bindIp:,X on the X server
    4. [in file] Replace bindIp: with bindIp:,Y on the Y server
    5. [in file] Replace #replication: with replication: on both servers
    6. [in file] Add replSetName: "​​myReplicatName" line under replication: on both servers
    7. Launch mongo with the configuration file on both servers
    8. Only on server X run mongo and type commands

    Mongo commands:

    rs.initiate ({
      _id: "rs0",
      members: [{
        _id: 1,
        host: "X:27017"